FMF: Potential
This post is written in 5 minutes, no editing, no stopping, just WRITE! To learn more and participate click here: My oldest daughter Makaela is getting married on November 10, 2018. Aside from trying to figure out how I got old enough to have a daughter getting married, I've been thinking a lot about the beginning of things. The start, the spark, the idea, the time when anything seems possible. I love the feeling I get when the potential of a new idea seems limitless. On November 10TH, Makaela will walk down the aisle into the arms of her fiance, Justin and into the limitless potential of their new life together. At a wedding, we are at a birth of sorts, 2 become one and a new life starts, a clean slate, and a fresh new adventure. The potential with Makaela and Justin is limitless, their love for one another and the way they experience everything in life has been my privilege to watch over the last 3 years. My MK, my mini-me, my first ...