Wal Mart Bags And Wubbi
I am dedicating this post to My Wyatt who let me share this story. I am Blessed beyond measure that my kiddos encourage me to share ALL our stories. I knew that starting to share some of my writings on this blog would include some things about our life that they might not be comfortable with sharing. They are not "littles", they have friends that read these words. As I talked to them about sharing these moments, they have always told me that they trusted me to share in a way that is fine with them. I know to them this was just another one of "mom's talks", but to me it meant the world to me that they want to share our stories, our testimony, our Faith. I made a quilt(or Wubbie, as Stephen calls them) for each of our babies when I was pregnant with them. Out of all our kiddos, Wyatt was the only one that carried his Wubbie everywhere. Maybe it was being number 6, and I was more relaxed and let him, I am not sure why. But anyway, where Wyatt goes, Wubbie goes. I...