Phoebe's Prayers
We have visited a few Churches since we have been in Austin. We have had fun visiting the different Churches in the area to try and find the right fit for our family. While we have not settled on a "home" Church yet, we have found a local Church that we really like. The kids have been attending youth group each Wednesday night and really seem to like it. When I picked the kids up from youth group this past Wednesday night, Phoebe handed me a crumpled up piece of paper as she got in the van. We were in a bit of a rush and so I just dropped it into my purse not even looking at it. As we drove away, I asked her if she needed the paper or was it just trash. She answered that it was something to throw out, but she did not get a chance to throw it away at youth group, so she just handed it to me. I did not think anything more about it.......until today. As I was cleaning out my purse, I found that piece of paper. I almost threw it away, remembering that Phoebe had said it was t...